Jessica starts the show by explaining how the territory of relationship lives inside the feminine world- the relationship skillset, comes more naturally for the feminine.  She goes on to explain how the feminine can utilize their natural strengths of empathy, nurturing, self-fulfillment, sexual vitality, and self-love to uplift and heal her relationship.

The Role of The “Sacred Feminine” in a Relationship

Thriving Relationships with Jessica Hartley

Host: Jessica Hartley

Topic: “The Sacred Feminine Role in a Thriving Relationship

Guest: Brittany Ellis

Santa Clarita’s Marriage Coach and Relationship Expert,  Jessica Hartley was live on-air this week on her weekly radio show to talk about the “Sacred Feminine” role in a Thriving Relationship.

Jessica starts the show by explaining how the territory of relationship lives inside the feminine world- the relationship skillset, comes more naturally for the feminine.  She goes on to explain how the feminine can utilize their natural strengths of empathy, nurturing, self-fulfillment, sexual vitality, and self-love to uplift and heal her relationship.

Jessica explains, how it is the woman who can lead the masculine into his heart- helping him shift from his head to his heart because she more naturally resides there.  Jessica is here to help men and women sidestep divorce and learn to thrive together in a deeply rewarding relationship.

“Instead of giving our strengths away and not really knowing what they are, we need to develop them and use them.”  Jessica goes on to share how women tend to retreat into nagging and control when they do not honor and use their natural strengths.

To hear the full show, watch the attached video below.

Previous Episode: The High-Value Masculine in Thriving Relationship

Jessica Hartley is a leader, revolutionizing how we heal our marriages and turn them around for good.  Her Legendary Love Program provides the structure necessary to integrate powerful changes into your relationship, with or without the direct participation of both partners.

No more years of talk therapy, Jessica Hartley is a Deep Healing Expert, her sessions don’t stop at an hour- they are complete when the issue is addressed, resolved and released.

As a powerful mentor, she tailors a 12 week program to address what is relevant and important to YOU, giving you powerful feedback, action steps and practical guidance each week so you can make permanent leaps forward.

Jessica doesn’t want to be your crutch.  Her approach is to give you everything you need to be successful and get the results you need as you move forward.  Her process will lift you up and set you free. “I’m here to create LASTING CHANGE in your relationship, I hope you are too.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]