The Desire To Destiny Formula

Thriving Relationships with Jessica Hartley

Host: Jessica Hartley

Topic: The Desire to Destiny formula

Guest: Katie Shaw

Santa Clarita Relationship coach Jessica Hartley was live on-air this week on her weekly radio show to talk about the Desire to Destiny formula, which is a way to manifest what you want in life.

“I created this formula so my clients can really cultivate on an energetic level with intention, resolution and action to create the kind of relationship they really want,” said Hartley.

Hartley’s weekly guest, Katie Shaw, a fitness instructor and retreat leader, called in from Hawaii and is a “master manifestor,” according to Hartley.

Shaw talks about how she met her husband and ended up living in Hawaii together by following her inner intuitions and following the Desire to Destiny formula.

Hartley’s shares her thoughts on how she thinks we are authors of our own stories and we are not victims to what happens to us in life, and gives some simple steps on how to start manifesting.

Step one: Know what your intention is

Step two: Accept where you are at right now

Step three: Feel as if

Step four: Trust and detach

Hartley and Shaw both share their positive experiences with using this method in their lives.

Previous Episode: Setting Intentions And Resolutions In Your Relationship – Thriving Relationships With Jessica Hartley – January 09, 2019


Jessica Hartley is a leader, revolutionizing how we heal our marriages and turn them around for good.  Her Legendary Love Program provides the structure necessary to integrate powerful changes into your relationship, with or without the direct participation of both partners.

No more years of talk therapy, Jessica Hartley is a Deep Healing Expert, her sessions don’t stop at an hour- they are complete when the issue is addressed, resolved, and released.

As a powerful mentor, she tailors a 12-week program to address what is relevant and important to YOU, giving you powerful feedback, action steps, and practical guidance each week so you can make permanent leaps forward.

Jessica doesn’t want to be your crutch.  Her approach is to give you everything you need to be successful and get the results you need- without separation, divorce, or wasting years in talk therapy.  Her process will lift you up and set you free.  “I’m here to create lasting change and deliver a legendary love life… I hope you are too.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]