Sacred Communication: (2022 Dates to Be Determined- Please Inquire)

This Retreat will rewire your old communication pitfalls and condition your ability to move successfully through disagreements and conflicts in your relationship.  You will learn the most effective step by step approach to use each conflict for growth, stimulating deeper connection with every challenge you face.  You will learn the power of your voice and how to speak in a way that you will be heard, understood & well received by your partner. This retreat will take a more concentrated step into the 5th & 6th Chakras of Relationship, deepening into these key areas: 

*Self Advocate & Set Boundaries

*Deepen capacity of Openness, Vulnerability & Authenticity

*Become Each Other’s greatest Ally 

*Build Emotional Safety & Trust

*Deepen Your Solidarity

*Strengthen Emotional Bonds

*Feeling “At Home” with your Self and your Partner